There are perks for not using insurance, but perhaps you do not have the funds for self paying therapy. If this is the case, don’t fret! Many therapists will work with you to have options. Do not rule out therapy just yet! This is where sliding scale comes in.
So what is sliding scale? Well, a sliding scale is a flexible fee system. The fee that the client pays can “slide” up or down based on the client’s ability to pay. A sliding scale usually takes into consideration the client’s household income and is negotiated between client and therapist.
For instance, I am partnered with Open Path Collective-to offer my clients a sliding scale route. Open Path Psychotherapy Collective is a non-profit nationwide network of mental health professionals who are dedicated to providing therapy to individuals, couples, children, and families in need.
I personally offer a sliding scale because I want therapy to be affordable for all-regardless of life and social situation. With that being said, I also do not want to navigate through your income and financial situation, so I partnered with Open Path to do the behind the scene work. I want our relationship to be based on the information you are bringing forward willingly.
Interested in learning more about Open Path? Here are the FAQ from their website!